It's STILL raining (three days straight, now). The team have decided that, when we get back to South Africa, we are going to tour drought-stricken areas for money - Angus Buchan x5 - because it rains whenever we are together.
PJ's sermon was warmly received by the congregation of Trinity United Methodist Church of Danville, and after lunch we made our way to VIR, Virginia's International Raceway. Because of the inclement weather, races were cancelled for the day, and although we were disappointed not to experience the rush of adrenalin that NASCAR is said to cause, the good people of VIPER had something even better in store for us. We were taken to their very technologically advanced centre at VIR and given the opportunity to "play" on their simulator that replicates the sensation of driving a real race car.
Three thing we learned: (1) High speed racing is even more difficult than it looks on ESPN, (2) If you ever race with Trevor in an off-road event as a navigator, you WILL die, and (3) Driving with Norah is your safest bet - even if it takes a little longer and you don't mind the sound that a high performance engine makes in first gear.
Glad the sermon went off well Thought of you all Hope Norah is well again and that the supper was a success. Your pics and the info is really good thanks Rosemary C